Warren John Wolfe


Warren John WolfeWarren John Wolfe is a Singer/Songwriter, originally from the Chicago area. After a lot of traveling, and living in different parts of the United States, he settled on the Monterey Peninsula of Central California. "The Blues of my hometown provided a wonderful foundation for me, both in rhythm, and in vocal interpretation. Once MoTown started, the party really began, as the variety of styles and grooves were constantly changing, creating even more new ideas. It was great to witness the beginning of all that".

After living in Carmel for a few years, "Where I began to seriously write and compose, in a small, magical cabin in Pescadero Canyon." Warren moved to the upper Carmel Valley, where he bought 16 acres of woodland on the edge of the Los Padres National Forest, and built his own home by himself. "I didn't build the house because I particularly wanted to, I just didn't have any money. But, it came out very nicely, and 20 years later, its still looking good. The view, and the land, are amazing. I've lived in cities, but I'm really a Country person. Open space, and silence are so vital to going within, and finding the music inside of you". After spending 28 years on the old place in Carmel Valley, Warren is now happily living on his new Ranch in Oregon.

Gifted with a good voice, Warren was singing from practically day one. "As a kid, I was very awkward and shy in most situations, but then, I could sing. When I did, nothing would stop me". He started studying percussion at age 5, showing a lot of ability. "I was lucky enough to find, and study with a friend of Gene Krupa's. The teacher, Jake Jerger, was a task master, and not overly friendly, but he did drill it into you. I studied rudimentary swing drumming with Jake from fifth grade through High School. Percussion is not noise, it's understatement, and being rock solid is the only way to play, whatever your style".

In addition to Vocals and Percussion, Warren also plays guitar, and piano. "It so great to play enough instruments that when I get into the studio, I can pretty much play what I hear in my head. I never learned how to read sheet music. My ears always got it, and memorized it, before my eyes could. It wasn't until the end of High School that my teachers realized I couldn't read. I truly respect people who can read sheet music, but so many of them can not turn on the radio and just jam, or improvise. I'm very grateful for the parade I've got going in my head".

Warren has composed over 180 songs, registering/copyrighting them all with the Library of Congress. "When I write, when I'm really in that place where "it" happens, I'm not doing it. Truly, "it" is doing me. I rarely edit a word, or change a note. Yes, the song is something I want to say, something I'm thinking about, feeling ... but then, it just takes on a life of it's own. It's the most delicious feeling when it happens".

"When you write contemporary music, the obvious question that people ask is; 'What do you call your music?' Translate; what style? For me, I write all over the place, because that's just the way it came out at the time. I don't want to direct it, or contrive it. That makes songwriting similar to typing, or dealing cards, and, yeah, you can do that, but its pretty stale. I started out in grade school and high school playing acoustic blues and folk. I love the music of the late 60's and early 70's. The pre-MTV stuff was very honest and original. I made my living playing Jazz in clubs around California for 20 years, but I always had that acoustic blues thing in the back of my mind, and in my voice".

Warren has opened concerts for Kenny Rankin, Nicolette Larsen, and Donovan. He toured for over a year, opening for songwriter and Country legend Larry Hosford. He's worked extensively as a studio musician, and a studio tech and engineer. He's done radio work, doing voice-overs, programming, as well as being a guest Artist. "I even got to work for awhile doing sound-tech work for a local television station, which was fun, and very fast paced, but not terribly musical. One of the most fun musical day-jobs I held was working as the accompanist for a local college's dance department. It was all improvisation, timing everything with the instructor's ideas and movement".

"Over the last few years, my passion for horses, and my old-fashioned way of living out in the Country has drawn me into what is now being called "Americana". Its Country without being too slick or over-produced. And the people are so incredibly nice to be around. It feels more like a tribal gathering than a star-system. Americana reminds me of the gorgeous acoustic ideas of early CSN&Y, Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor. Its all quite honest, very heartfelt, while speaking of the romance of the Western Lifestyle. What's not to like?"

On the flip side of that coin, Warren also plays traditional Hindu instruments; tabla, tamboura, and harmonium. "It's so different from Western Music, but I just love it. It's truly the most devotional of any music I've ever heard. All music is love, or should be. East Indian Music elevates me spiritually, and physically, like few things can".

Warren has three CD's out; "Just Waking Up", "Darkness Into Light" and "Tumbleweed". Each album contains original compositions and arrangements. "I'm working on my fourth CD now. There isn't a working title yet, but there will be soon."

A passionate performer, Warren said; "Music is a gift. I do my best to honor that gift everyday."

